Beaver Environmental Solutions
Beaver Environmental Solutions is our key company that deals with drainage, inspection of waterways, SCM restoration, and redesigns and rebuilds of waterways. We work together to keep properties safe and functional. Our team works with engineers to ensure the top notch preformance of stormwater sights. We focus on installing drainage on commercial sights. To learn more about Beaver Enviornmental Solutions or to contact them, visit there website linked below.

Maintaining your stormwater management device on a regular basis is crucial to keeping your device properly functioning as designed. These devices have been designed and installed to improve the stormwater water quality and protect our natural resources from unwanted pollutants, sediment, and erosion. These devices require regular maintenance in order to achieve this desired result. Neglected maintenance can lead to premature failure and costly repairs to your system. With regular maintenance, your device’s service life can be extended, improve aesthetics and improve water quality as designed. As part of our maintenance service, detailed maintenance records for each stormwater control measure will be kept on file as maintenance is completed on your device.

Beaver outdoor solutions has qualified personnel to inspect and perform your annual compliance reports as required by state and local jurisdictions. During our inspections Beaver Outdoor can identify any non-compliant issues and potential issues that could lead to a non-compliant situation with your stormwater control system. During our inspection a complete report will be provided to you for your records and will be submitted to the authority having jurisdiction over the stormwater control measure for you. Any areas that may need to be monitored or repaired will be identified and thoroughly explained to the customer on the recommended repair.

Repair and Rebuild
Overtime, your stormwater system will handle an excessive amount of storm runoff causing wear and tear on the stormwater system. On occasion these devices need repair and reconstruction as the system ages. Beaver Outdoor Solutions provides construction and design services to facilitate the repair and rebuilding of your failing or damaged stormwater system. With our trained and licensed professionals, we can identify the cause of your failing or damaged system, engineer a permanent repair, implement that repair, and keep your stormwater system in code compliance and functioning as intended.

SCM Restoration
Stormwater Control Measures are designed to collect and filter trash, sediments, and nutrients from storm water runoff before being discharged in the downstream rivers and waterways. Over time these sediments will collect within the stormwater control measure and will reduce the cleaning and controlling efficiency of your measure requiring a restoration of the measure to efficiently clean and control your storm runoff. With our trained professionals, and experienced construction crews, Beaver Outdoor Solutions can handle the restoration of your stormwater control measure. Our crews will handle everything from the removal of accumulated sediments, replacement of filtering media, to the restoration of the aquatic vegetation within the measure.

Underground Systems
With the cost of land continually increasing, more owners are turning to underground detention and collection systems to meet todays stormwater regulations. A key component to these measures are the maintenance and periodic cleaning of these measures requiring specialized equipment. Beaver Outdoor has the capabilities to clean and maintain your underground system to keep your investment working as designed and as required by the state and local authorities. Proper maintenance and cleaning can aid in eliminating costly repairs that can arise if these systems are not properly maintained.

With stormwater rules evolving on an annual basis, our professionals are up to date on the latest regulations and can be available to discuss how current and new rules and regulations can affect your property and business. Beaver Outdoors can customize a maintenance plan that fits your site and will keep you in compliance with local, state, and federal authorities. Beaver Outdoors can also be the liaison between property owners, HOA’s and developers when dealing with state and local officials when inspection reports indicate repairs are needed or violations are present.

Design and Retro Fits
With over 18 years of design experience, Beaver Outdoor Stormwater Solutions can provide practical design services to create a full set of permit and construction documents for approval and construction. Our engineering services can also design a retro fit for your stormwater device to meet todays stormwater requirements on an as need basis. Our staff has experience in preparing stormwater management plans to sites throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
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